Sydney, NSW, Australia

P.O. 280
Merrylands, NSW 2160, Australia
Tel: 02 9760 1173
Fax: 02 9682 7692
E-mail: hasansw@bigpond.com
Web: http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/hasa2004/hasa_index.htm

Pilot project: http://www.da-slo.com.au/ 
President: Marta Magajna
Project Manager: Florjan Auser
E-mail: smh.archive@optusnet.com.au 


Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc.
82 Ingrams Road, Research, VIC 3095, Australia
Tel: +61 03 9437 1226

Email: info@hasaarchives.com
Web: http://www.hasaarchives.com

President: Frances Johnson

Postal Address:
HASA-Slovenian Association Melbourne
PO Box 195, Eltham, VIC 3095, Australia

Slovenian Welfare and Information Office Inc

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Slovenian Welfare and Information Office Inc
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101
Tel/Fax  61 03 9853 7600
Web  http://www.slovenianwelfare.org.au
President: Peter Mandelj  OAM
Secretary: Rodney Crooks

Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad

Svet vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu

Council of the Government of Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad

Council Members

Mr. Peter Mandelj OAM
149 Bellevue Avenue,
Rosanna VIC 3084
Tel: +61 (03) 94592163
Fax: +61 (03) 94592163
E-mail: mandel@tecno.net.au

Mr. Florijan Auser
PO Box 191,
Sylvania, NSW, 2224
Tel: +61 2 9522 9922
Fax: +61 2 9522 9922
E-mail: ovenia@optusnet.com.au

Consulate of Australia in the Republic of Slovenia

Consulate of Australia in the Republic of Slovenia
Trg Republike 3/XII
S1-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: (+) 386 1 425 42 52
Fax: (+) 386 1 426 47 21

E-mail: austral.cons.sloven@siol.net
Mr Viktor Baraga, Honorary Consul

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia
86 Parramatta Road,
Camperdown NSW 2050
Phone: (+) 61 2 9517 1591
Fax: (+) 61 2 9519 8889
E-mail: slovcon@emona.com.au
Honorary Consul General
Mr. Alfred Brežnik

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.
P O Box 7649
Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4217, Australia
Email: karenp@ion.com.au
Ph/Fax 07 5539 4833
President: John Jani Paul

Slovenian Catholic Mission of St. Cyril And Methodius

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

SS, Cyril and Methodius Slovenian Mission
Baraga House
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Phone +61 3 9853 7787
Fax +61 3 9853 6176
Mob 0412 555 840
E-mails cirilb@bigpond.com  misli@bigpond.com
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-melbourne.htm
Manager: Fr. Ciril Božič, OFM

Baraga Library

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Baraga Library
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Ph. 03 9853 7787
Fax. 03 9853 6176
Librarian: Marija Oppelt

Slovenian Bowling Association of Victoria

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

It started in 1974, to create an opportunity for the Slovenian Clubs in Victoria to compete in a friendly atmosphere and thereby creating a type of unity between the participating Clubs.
Each year there is a competition with teams comprising of 3 men’s triples and either one ladies quad or two doubles. Each Club then hosts a competition where teams compete against each other and at the end of the season all the results are collated and the winners are awarded trophies at the annual Bowlers? Presentation Night (usually in May) and is held at one of the Clubs on a rotating basis.

Slovenian Club of Perth WA Inc

Perth, WA, Australia

Slovenian Club of Perth WA Inc
131 James Street, Guildford, WA 6055, Australia
Ph 08 9279 4688
Fax 08 9364 2716
President: Ferdinand Pestotnik

Mother Romana Home – Slovenian Aged Care Facility

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Mother Romana Home – Slovenian Aged Care Facility
11-15 A’Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Ph 03 9853 1054
Fax 03 9855 0811
E-mail romanahome@optusnet.com.au
Manager: Sandra Krnel

Slovenian Association Sydney

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Slovenian Association Sydney, Australia
2-10 Elizabeth Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
Ph 02 9756 1658 Fax 02 9756 1447
E-mail slosyd@synflux.com.au
President: Ivan Gerič

3ZZZ – Ethnic Community Radio Melbourne, Slovenian Program

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Radio 3 ZZZ, Melbourne, Ethnic Community Radio, Slovenian Program
P.O. Box 1106, Collingwood Vic 3066, Australia
tel. 3   9763 4245 
fax. 3  9763 3542
Email: metkal@bigpond.net.au
Coordinator: Margaret Lenarčič

SBS – Slovenian Radio and Television Programs In Australia


SBS Radio, Slovenian Program
P.O. Box 294,
South Melbourne VIC 3205,
Tel: 03 9949 2121 
Fax: 03 9949 2385
E-mail: slovenian.program@sbs.com.au


SBS Radio Sydney
Locked Bag 028
Crows Nest, NSW 1585
Tel: 02 9430 2828
Fax: 02 9438 1114
E-mail: slovenian.program@sbs.com.au

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc.
82 Ingrams Road, Research, VIC 3095. Australia
Ph 03 9437 1226
Web http://www.slovenianassocmelb.com.au/

President: Frances Urbas-Johnson

Slovenian Drama Group Merrylands

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Slovenian Drama Group Merrylands,
311 Merrylands Road, Merrylands, NSW, 2160, Australia
Ph 02 9637 7147 Fax 02 9682 7692
President: Herman Koželj

Bocce Centre PLANINKA, Queensland

Cornubia, QLD, Australia

Bocce Centre "Planinka"
Logan City
146 Redland Bay Road
Cornubia, QLD 4130, Australia
Tel:  07 3272 5934
Email: langersek@yahoo.com.au
Predsednik: Vladimir Langersek

St Raphael, Slovenian Mission Sydney

Sydney, NSW, Australia

St. Raphael Slovenian Mission
313 Merrylands Road, Merrylands, NSW 2160, Australia
Ph 02 9637 7147 02 9682 5478
Fax 02 9682 7692
Mob 0419 236 783
E-mail rafael@zeta.org.au
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-sydney.htm
Managers: Fr. Darko Žnidaršič, OFM, Fr. Valerijan Jenko, OFM, OAM 

Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc

Adelaide, SA, Australia

Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc
11 Lassale Street, Dudley Park, SA 5008, Australia
Ph 08 8269 6199
Fax 08 8269 2406
President: Tomo Leš

Holy Family Slovenian Mission

Adelaide, SA, Australia

Holy Family Slovenian Mission
51 Young Avenue, West Hindmarsh, SA 5007, Australia
Ph 08 8346 9674
Fax 08 9346 2903
E-mail tretjak@picknowl.com.au
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-adelaide.htm
Manager: Fr. Janez Tretjak, OFM

Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Inc.

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Australia Inc
P O Box 79 Rosanna, VIC 3084, Australia
Tel/Fax: +61 3 9459 2163
E-mail:  mandel@techno.net.au
President: Stan Penca

Vice-President: Peter Mandelj OAM