Dom Matere Romane
The Mother Romana Home was opened 16 February 1992. It was the concept, the initiative, and the groundwork of Father Basil Valentine, the Head of Slovenian Franciscan Mission in Melbourne. It is administered by a Board of Trustees within the framework of Slovenian Catholic Mission, and managed now for several years by Mrs. Sandra Krnel. The Home is exceptionally well-run small aged-care facility of 30 rooms, receiving elderly Slovenes and residents of various ethnic backgrounds. It offers homely convivial atmosphere, friendly staff, private rooms with shared bathroom facilities, home cooking, occupation therapy, outings, personal and medical care. For those who wish for pastoral care, this is available. The Slovenian church of St.Cyril and Methodius next door, provides front seats and a ramp for easy access.
Mother Romana Home – Slovenian Aged Care Facility
11-15 A’Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Ph 03 9853 1054
Fax 03 9855 0811
E-mail romanahome@optusnet.com.au
Manager: Sandra Krnel