Slovensko Društvo Planica Springvale
The association was established in 1972. The aim was to build a home and grounds where Slovenian people could congregate, pursue cultural, recreational and sporting activities.
In 1974 the members started a school for Slovenian language for the growing children of the members and a folkloric dancing youth group.
The club organized traditional cultural and social events, such as Mother’s Day and St Nicholas Day, participated in multicultural events such as Australia Day Festival, and prepared the first exhibition of Slovenian handicrafts in Melbourne. From its membership, the club Planica gave rise to several successful ensembles – Trio, Velenje and Veseli Planinci.
From 1979 the club has supported a Hunters and Anglers Group. From 1980 it has regularly issued a club bulletin “Novice”. The Planica bowlers team have regular competitions with other Slovenian, Istrian, Italian clubs, and have the annual Planica Cup competition. In 1976 the bowling group was officially entered into Slovenian Bowling Federation of Victoria (SBZV).
Slovenian Association Planica Springvale Inc
11 Soden Road, Bangholme, VIC 3175, Australia
Ph/Fax 03 9772 6235
E-mail: metkal@bigpond.net.au
President: Fred Toplak