Slovenski misijon Svete Družine
From the early fifties there was a small but distinctive Slovenian community in Adelaide. They were regularly visited by Franciscan priests. From 1956 they were visited by p. Basilij every two months. In 1975 Adelaide finally had its own priest, p. Filip Ferjan who established the Slovenian Mission of Holy Family.
In 1982 the community built its own Slovenian church, which was consecrated by Dr. Alojz Šuštar, the Archbishop of Ljubljana.
The centre has established the first Slovenian library in South Australia, containing complete “Naša beseda”, 2,000 Slovenian books, and various magazines and newspapers. Holy Family Slovenian mission is the religious centre for Slovenes living in South Australia, some at considerable distance from Adelaide.
Holy Family Slovenian Mission
51 Young Avenue, West Hindmarsh, SA 5007, Australia
Ph 08 8346 9674
Fax 08 9346 2903
E-mail tretjak@picknowl.com.au
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-adelaide.htm
Manager: Fr. Janez Tretjak, OFM