Correspondence between Aleksandra Ceferin and Prof. Jiri Marvan, Chairman of the Committee for Balto-Slavonic Languages, regarding accreditation of Slovenian language as Higher School Certificate/HSC language in the Victorian school system.
5.8. BoS: VCE Study Slovenian 2001
Published by: Board of Studies, Melbourne 2001. The Study Design for Languages Other Than English is the product of Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages (CCAFL) – Slovenian. It was accredited for the period 2001 to 2005.
Slovenian Welfare and Information Office Inc
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Slovenian Welfare and Information Office Inc
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101
Tel/Fax 61 03 9853 7600
President: Peter Mandelj OAM
Secretary: Rodney Crooks
Newsletter Jan 2009 10th Anniversary
28 January This year signifies the 10th anniversary of the Thezaurus web site launched on 1 January 1999. At that time it consisted of two language studies projects “Slovenianlinx” and Internet publication, “Webzine Sloveniana”…
28. januar Leto 2009 zaznamuje 10. obletnico spletnega mesta Thezaurus, ki je bilo predstavljeno javnosti 1.januarja 1999. Tedaj je vsebovalo dva jezikovna projekta: “Slovenianlinx” in revijo “ Webzine Sloveniana”…
Dominkova Homestead
Dominkova Homestead is today more than a museum. Medicinal herbs are growing in the garden. In front of the house they still sow corn, plant garlic and other produce …
Šmit Homestead
The homestead is typical of the lower Pannonian region, built of beams coated on both sides with clay. It is a distinctive regional building style called locally cimprača …
Škratelj House
Škratelj House in Divača was built in the 17th century. An important stopover hostelry, it served all traffic until the construction of the railroad between Vienna and Trieste …
Božično voÅ¡čilo 2008
Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji, Želimo vam vesel in praznični Božič. Naj vam novo leto 2009 prinese mir in zadovoljstvo. We wish you a joyful and festive Christmas. May the New Year 2009 bring peace and contentment...
VIII All Slovenian Gathering 2008 – Subm: issue of lost generation
The submission by Aleksandra Ceferin ISSV Inc., read by Peter Mandelj OAM, the representative from Australia, on 3 July 2008, in the program with the theme of intercultural dialogue. The submission was on the issue "Communication with the lost generation" (Komunikacijo z izgubljeno generacijo).
Slovenian language studies in Victoria – Bibliography
The series of articles marks the process of events, issues, and information that Aleksandra Ceferin wrote for the Slovenian community since 1976, and published for the most part in the monthly journal Misli, later also in Glas Slovenije, Rodna Gruda, Slovenščina v šoli, MLTAV Newsletter (Modern Language Teachers Association of Victoria).