Newsletter Jan 2009 10th Anniversary

Dear friends,

This year signifies the 10th anniversary of the Thezaurus web site launched on 1 January 1999. At that time it consisted of two language studies projects “Slovenianlinx” and Internet publication, “Webzine Sloveniana”.  The webzine, subtitled  “Uniqueness in the heart of Europe” coined by editor Aleksandra Ceferin, grew quickly beyond an initial concept of displaying aspects of Slovenian cultural heritage for Slovenian language students, to a broader concept. Eight categories feature over eighty articles. The aim is to present in an integrated way on the Web, unique geographic and natural features, ethnographic elements, remarkable individuals, and historical events that shaped the nation.

The site is an ideal virtual platform to produce and present new collaborative language and cultural materials. Thezaurus and associated projects happened as a result of development grants from the Education Department of Victoria in 1998 and 2000. The site thrived due to three vital factors: grants by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, invaluable web programming and technical support by the web company Zavod Neuropolis in Ljubljana, and the continuous contribution and support of members and the public interested in Slovenian language, and exploration of culture and spaces in Slovenia.

Highlights during 2008 were the publishing of three continuing web projects. The first online Archives of Slovenian Emigrant Handicrafts of Victoria of twenty-two exhibitors was launched at the biennale Australian Slovenian Festival held at Jadran Club in Melbourne during March. It is also the first online exhibition of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, located on the museum’s web site in Projects .

In the Webzine, “ Myths and Legends” is a new project of the English translation of Slovenian folk tales by Aleksandra Ceferin from the source collection “Bajke in pripovedke slovenskega ljudstva” by Jakob Kelemina published in 1930, revealing the rich Slovenian tradition of tales, myths and legends. It is an astounding journey into an ancient world populated by magical beings, such as fairies, water sprites and other extraordinary creatures.

The third project is the series of articles by Tomaž Štefe, of eight exceptionally well-preserved homesteads and buildings of Slovenian vernacular architecture completed in December in the Webzine section "Slovenian Landmarks". A further three articles were published in sections "Notable Slovenes" and "Ethnographic Heritage", each with photo albums on: France Prešeren, Slovenian Cuisine, and Anton Janša.

Articles and photo albums published during 2008 shown below with a direct link are by authors living in Slovenia and Australia. Latest articles or albums appear on the front page of the Webzine and Gallery, followed by earlier articles inside the section.

“Slovenian Farmhouses and Homesteads”, by Tomaž Štefe
“France Prešeren and Slovenian Identity”, by Prof. Miran Hladnik
“Slovenian cuisine”, by Marinka Pečjak
“Anton Janša: Slovene apiarist”, by Aleksandra Ceferin

Gallery: photo albums
A new series features the creativity of individuals and living traditions in "Slovenian Travelog", by Aleksandra Ceferin, “The magic hillside garden of Miha Toman”, “Jože Prezelj, didgeridoo maker”, “Rajko Šolar – Slovenian blacksmith”, and “The Cow Festival 2007” on Lake Bohinj.
Our colleagues in Ljubljana, Maja Obreza, and Slavko Frankovič, have sent wonderful photos of festive Ljubljana on New Year’s Eve.
Albums have been added to all categories in the gallery, spanning vistas of Ljubljana, Slovenia, northern Australia, ancient monuments of Egypt  recorded by the intrigued photographer.
For quick reference, articles published in 2008 are listed in chronological order in section “Recent articles” on the front page of the site.

Best wishes,
Aleksandra Ceferin

Thezaurus Team
Melbourne, Australia


Dragi prijatelji!

Leto 2009 zaznamuje 10. obletnico spletnega mesta Thezaurus, ki je bilo predstavljeno javnosti  1.januarja 1999. Tedaj je vsebovalo dva jezikovna projekta: “Slovenianlinx” in revijo “ Webzine Sloveniana”. Spletna revija, s podnaslovom “Uniqueness from the Heart of Europe” (Enkratnost v srcu Evrope), geslo ki ga je skovala Aleksandra Ceferin, je naglo prerastlo prvotno zamisel  prvin slovenske kulturne dediscine za učence slovenskega jezika. Sedaj vsebuje revija 80 clankov v osmih kategorijah, mnogi  predstavljeni s foto albumi. Cilj revije je integrirana spletna predstavitev, geografske in naravne značilnosti, etnografske prvine, izredni posamezniki in zgodovinski dogodki, ki so oblikovali slovenski narod.

Spletno mesto je bila idealna virtualna odskočna deska za dogradnjo in predstavitev novih skupno izdelanih jezikovnih in kulturnih gradiv. Do spletnega mesta in nadaljnjih projektov je prišlo preko razvojnih subvencij Ministrstva za šolstvo Viktorije v letih 1998 do 2000. Njegov uspeh je pripisati trem glavnih dejavnikom: na prvem mestu subvencije Vlade Republike Slovenije, potem neprecenljivo spletno programiranje in tehnična podpora Zavoda Neuropolis v Ljubljani, ter nazadnje vztrajno delo in podpora članov in javnosti, ki jih zanima slovenski jezik in poglabljanje v kulturo in prostor Slovenije.

Vrhunski dogodki v našem delovanju leta 2008 so bile predstavitve treh dolgotrajnih spletnih projektov.Prvi projekt je bila izpopolnitev in predstavitev spletne razstave  Arhivi slovenskih izseljenskih ročnih del Viktorije, z dvaindvajset izdelovalkami in izdelovalci, v Melbournu, marca meseca, na 11. Slovenskem Festivalu v slovenskem klubu Jadran. To je prva spletna razstava Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja,ki jo najdemo na spletni strani muzeja, na .

Drug pomemben dogodek je bila objava kategorije “Miti in Legende” v reviji Webzine Sloveniana. To je prvi dvojezični projekt Aleksandre Ceferin, izbrane slovenske ljudske pripovedke, iz izvirne zbirke Jakoba Kelemine “Bajke in pripovedke slovenskega ljudstva”, objavljene v letu 1930. Odkrivajo bogato slovensko izročilo pripovedk, bajk in legend, v slovenščini in angleščini – čudovito potovanje v stari svet, obljuden s čarobnimi bitji, kot so vile, povodna bitja in drugimi magičnimi stvori.

Tretji za naše delo važen dogodek je serija člankov Tomaža Štefeta, osem izrednih ohranjenih domačij in zgradb slovenske ljudske arhitekture, ki smo jo dopolnili v decembru. Objavili smo jo pod kategorijo “Slovenian Landmarks”. Poleg tega smo objavili tri večje članke z albumi: France Prešeren, Slovenska kuhinja, Anton Janša.

Spletna revija/Webzine
Najnovejši članki slovenskih in avstralskih avtorjev in foto albumi, se prikazujejo na naslovni strani projektov Webzine in Gallery, sledijo jim starejši članki v posameznih sekcijah. Navedeni so spodaj z neposredno spletno povezavo.

“Slovenian Farmhouses and Homesteads”, Tomaž Štefe

“France Prešeren and Slovenian Identity”, Prof. Miran Hladnik
“Slovenian cuisine”, Marinka Pečjak
“Anton Janša: Slovene apiarist”,Aleksandra Ceferin

Galerija/Foto albumi
Albumi, dodani v vseh kategorih Galerije, obsegajo razglede Ljubljane, Slovenije, severne Avstralije, antičnega Egipta.
V albumih “ Slovenian Travelog” se zrcali ustvarjalnost posameznikov in živa tradicija: “The magic hillside garden of Miha Toman”, “Jože Prezelj, didgeridoo maker”, “Rajko Šolar – Slovenian blacksmith”, “The Cow Festival 2007”.

Naša kolega v Ljubljani, Maja Obreza in Slavko Frankovič, sta poslala čudovite fotografije praznične novoletne Ljubljane 2009.

Za hitrejšo referenco so vsi članki objavljeni v 2008 označeni v kronološkem redu v sekciji “Recent articles” na naslovni strani spletnega mesta. 

z lepimi pozdravi,

Aleksandra Ceferin

Thezaurus Team
Melbourne, Australia




Aleksandra Ceferin

Aleksandra Ceferin (M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed.) has introduced Slovenian language as a school subject in Australian school system and founded the Slovenian Teachers' Association of Victoria in 1976. She has extensive experience in language education: as teacher, lecturer, curriculum coordinator, course writer, language consultant and manager, VCE State Reviewer and Chief Examiner. Since 1998 she has been the President of ISSV and the manager and chief editor of its projects. Aleksandra visits Slovenian annually, establishing and maintaining contacts with Slovenia, and initiating exchanges and cooperation between organizations. In 2004 she was the recipient of the National Education Award of RS Slovenia.