SBS – Slovenian Radio and Television Programs In Australia


SBS Radio, Slovenian Program
P.O. Box 294,
South Melbourne VIC 3205,
Tel: 03 9949 2121 
Fax: 03 9949 2385


SBS Radio Sydney
Locked Bag 028
Crows Nest, NSW 1585
Tel: 02 9430 2828
Fax: 02 9438 1114

Slovenian Club of Perth WA Inc

Perth, WA, Australia

Slovenian Club of Perth WA Inc
131 James Street, Guildford, WA 6055, Australia
Ph 08 9279 4688
Fax 08 9364 2716
President: Ferdinand Pestotnik

3ZZZ – Ethnic Community Radio Melbourne, Slovenian Program

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Radio 3 ZZZ, Melbourne, Ethnic Community Radio, Slovenian Program
P.O. Box 1106, Collingwood Vic 3066, Australia
tel. 3   9763 4245 
fax. 3  9763 3542
Coordinator: Margaret Lenarčič

Slovenian Bowling Association of Victoria

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

It started in 1974, to create an opportunity for the Slovenian Clubs in Victoria to compete in a friendly atmosphere and thereby creating a type of unity between the participating Clubs.
Each year there is a competition with teams comprising of 3 men’s triples and either one ladies quad or two doubles. Each Club then hosts a competition where teams compete against each other and at the end of the season all the results are collated and the winners are awarded trophies at the annual Bowlers? Presentation Night (usually in May) and is held at one of the Clubs on a rotating basis.

Baraga Library

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Baraga Library
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Ph. 03 9853 7787
Fax. 03 9853 6176
Librarian: Marija Oppelt

Students writing

During the year students were required to submit several written pieces, in different types of writing and a variety of formats. They were required to write in an imaginative or personal or informative or persuasive style, choosing at least two different types.

VSL course outlines

The topics developed for the Slovenian Course Outlines reflected a strong bias towards culture and cultural activities. They ranged from the personal to a community-based focus. At lower levels focusing on customs and traditions and broadened at higher levels by exploring historical and literary themes, integrating as much as possible the personal and social fields in the suggested activities and the texts selected for study. Literary themes were explored, including the life experience of the poet, the historical context of his literary productions and personal experience of family and friends.

Victorian Certificate of Education

It was a great new approach to the study of languages. Students were given a sense of what it means to communicate and use the language in social interaction. For example the students in 1991 were given as a task in Unit 1 a conversation to be prepared by two or three students working together. The situation was a chance meeting in a chosen setting between the students and a person from Slovenia, who heard them speaking in Slovenian. They expressed amazement, introduced themselves, exchanged some information about where they were from and whom they were visiting.


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