Newsletter June 2007 – New Website

16 June This year is the 30th anniversary of Slovenian language studies and our activities in Australia. The continuity of our endeavours is a reflection of the connection and interest in Slovenian language and culture, and the experience of life across cultures and borders…

16. junij
Letos praznujemp 30. obletnico poučevanja slovenskega jezika in našega delovanja na področju šolstva v Avstraliji. Kontinuiteta našega prizadevanja je izraz povezanosti in zanimanja za slovenski jezik in kulturo, in izkušnje življenja preko kultur in meja…

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia
86 Parramatta Road,
Camperdown NSW 2050
Phone: (+) 61 2 9517 1591
Fax: (+) 61 2 9519 8889
Honorary Consul General
Mr. Alfred Brežnik

Slovenian handicrafts online

31 May 2007 Slovenian handicrafts in Victoria online is a collaborative project by the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum and the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria. It  is planned to be launched in Ljubljana by SEM. The launch date is yet to be determined by SEM and is anticipated early in 2008. This notice replaces the previous announcement for a launch in June.

Thezaurus facelift

30 May 2007 After re-designing our website we are live, database driven and brand new!  It was time to rethink the story so far and implement publishing and syndication tools necessary for our ambitious projects. The new site is web 2.0 compatible and scalable for its future growth…

Slovenian handicrafts in Victoria

24 May 2007 A premier exhibition of handicrafts by Slovenian-Australians, of Victoria will be launched on the Web this year in September, by Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana. On display is a collection of contemporary handicrafts…

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.
P O Box 7649
Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4217, Australia
Ph/Fax 07 5539 4833
President: John Jani Paul

Individual Supporters

ISSV Inc. and would like to express appreciation for valuable support from:

Australia and other countries
Laura Abram
France Benko
Iva Benko
Marcela Bole
Ciril Božič
Alexander Braletitch
Milena Brgoč
Ana Čeferin
Jana Ceferin
Milan Ceferin
Andy Chin
Lidija Čušin
Gustel Glavnik
Prof. Edi Gobetz
Prof. Andreš Jan
Lenti Lenko
Cheng Hong Lin
Štefan Merzel
Jan Novak
Paul Skok
Sonya Skok
Veronika Smrdel
Lucija Srnec
Štefan Srnec
Danila Štolfa
Linda Štolfa
Sonia Vadnjal
Bogdan Weinberger

Jožefa Ažman
Valerija Ažman
Janez Bitenc
Dragica Bošnjak
Berta Dolinar
Prof. Silvo Fatur
Evald Flisar
Breda Franetič
Drago Franetič
Miram Franetič
Prof. Martin Jevnikar
Daša Koprivec
Lojze Košorok
Spela Kučan
Dušica Kunaver
Dragica Motik
Lela B. Njatin
Mara Obreza
Maja Obreza
Vinko Obreza
Vid Pečjak
Marinka Pečjak
Nataša Potočnik
Alekcij Pregarc
Marija Sivec
Daša Toman
Prof. Miha Toman
Irena Uršič
Rado Vadnjal


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