Newsletter June 2007 – New Website

Dear friends,

This year is the 30th anniversary of Slovenian language studies and our activities in Australia. The continuity of our endeavours is a reflection of the connection and interest in Slovenian language and culture, and the experience of life across cultures and borders. In this spirit we celebrate with a new look and new structure of Thezaurus website. Here is the first newsletter for 2007 about recent work published on the Web. In view of the massive amount of new content in projects, newsletters will be sent detailing projects.

Thezaurus has been custom-built by Zavod Neuropolis, our Slovenian partner in Ljubljana. It is the result of intensive collaborative work by teams in Australia and Slovenia for over a year. The site is more than pleasing aesthetically, with application of latest technology. It is dynamically-driven on a self-publishing content management system, with software tools that facilitate cost-effective development of established and new projects, allowing easy creation of web content and ability to manage the site. The home page has new features on the side bar for fast access to the whole site. it is a navigation point to all sections, followed by recent articles of the whole site, and newest posts of forums.

We are inaugurating the new Thezaurus, by presenting the new section on  Community. In 1976 we began our educational work within the community and with the full support of the community, Our aim was to maintain Slovenian language for the new generations, to develop greater awareness of Slovenian cultural heritage and build a connection to the country of their forebears.

There is a directory of Slovenian organizations, institutions and services. Further categories are the News, Slovenian Community in Australia and Slovenian connections, delivering information about Slovenian expatriate community worldwide. Information is immediately accessible by selecting the category. In the side bar are: a search function for the section, a random articles selection, Slovenes in Australia links and Live bookmarks. In the News section we will publish news of particular importance to Slovenian community.

Dragi prijatelji!

Letos praznujemp 30. obletnico poučevanja slovenskega jezika in našega delovanja na področju šolstva v Avstraliji. Kontinuiteta našega prizadevanja je izraz povezanosti in zanimanja za slovenski jezik in kulturo, in izkušnje življenja preko kultur in meja. V tem duhu praznujemo z novim obrazom spletne strani Thezaurus. Pozdravljamo vas s prvimi Novicami leta 2007, o novih vsebinah Thezaurusovih projektov. Z ozirom na nov videz, več novih projektov in vsebin, imamo namen v naslednjih mesecih objaviti serijo Novic, s podrobnostmi o posameznih projektih.

Novi Thezaurus je oblikoval in programiral Zavod Neuropolis, naš slovenski partner v Ljubljani, in je plod celoletnega intenzivnega sodelovanja med teami v Avstraliji in Sloveniji.  Spletno stičišče je sedaj razširjeno ter estetsko in smiselno  dovršeno. Z aplikacijo najnovejše tehnologije je to dinamičen, samoupravljalen sistem, z orodjem, ki omogoča ekonomičen razvoj obstoječih in novih projektov. Spletno mesto ima sedaj novo obliko in nova orodja za večjo dosegljivost, ne samo na vrhu strani, ampak tudi na desni strani, z navigacijo do vseh sekcij. Spodaj so naključno izbrani članki iz vseh delov Thezaurusa, in najnovejši članki na Forumih.

Preurejeni Thezaurus slovesno otvarjamo z novo sekcijo Community. Namenjena je slovenski avstralski skupnosti in služi v prvi vrsti namenu večje dosegljivosti za angleško govoreče potomce slovenskih priseljencev. Naše šolskovzgojno delo v slovenski skupnosti in za skupnost se je začelo v letu 1976, z namenom, da ohranjamo slovenski jezik in zavest slovenske kulturne dediščine v mladem rodu, in ustvarimo vezi z deželo prednikov.

Sekcija Community vsebuje direktorij slovenskih organizacij, ustanov in servisov. Druge kategorije so še Novice, Slovenska skupnost v Avstraliji in slovenske spletne povezave s članki o Slovencih po svetu. Za podatke o slovenskih organizacijah in servisih izberete kategorijo iz kazala na desni strani. Kazalo vsebuje iskalno funkcijo, naključno zbirko člankov, spletne povezave za Slovence v Avstraliji in živi zaznamki /live bookmarks. V sekciji News  bomo objavljali novice posebnega pomena za slovensko skupnost.

Kind regards / z lepimi pozdravi,

Aleksandra Ceferin
Thezaurus Team

Melbourne, Australia

Aleksandra Ceferin

Aleksandra Ceferin (M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed.) has introduced Slovenian language as a school subject in Australian school system and founded the Slovenian Teachers' Association of Victoria in 1976. She has extensive experience in language education: as teacher, lecturer, curriculum coordinator, course writer, language consultant and manager, VCE State Reviewer and Chief Examiner. Since 1998 she has been the President of ISSV and the manager and chief editor of its projects. Aleksandra visits Slovenian annually, establishing and maintaining contacts with Slovenia, and initiating exchanges and cooperation between organizations. In 2004 she was the recipient of the National Education Award of RS Slovenia.