The underground is the domain of the dwarfs, who guard its treasures. They can lead to great riches, but never willingly. They must be tricked to reveal the hidden treasures of the earth. In their contact with humanity, they are mischievous and love to play tricks.
Water Man and the Boy
Many tales of the Water Man are about his loneliness and goodwill towards humans. He sometimes saves or kidnaps young maidens or children, is kind to them and offers them a wonderful life with great treasures to entice them into staying with him.
The Water Man
In Slovenian folklore there are countless tales of Povodni mož/Water man, sometimes called Gestrin. He is a water spirit, often described as half man, half fish, who can change his appearance on land and may play mischief on humans.
The White Serpent
The white serpent / bela kača occupies a significant place in Slovenian mythology. Known mostly as the guardian of great hidden treasures, it is a powerful magical being, that can be benevolent towards mankind, rewarding kindness and good deeds.

How it came to be
In the rich Slovenian folk tale tradition there are many different types of tales. Very significant, attractive and often humourous are the tales of how things came to be. We are presenting the tale of how the rocky Kras region of Slovenia, and the Vilenica cave.
The Trubar Homestead
The three buildings stand on the spot, where Trubar homestead stood, the house where he was born in 1508, with the mill and sawmill. However the present buildings are of more recent date – merely 200 years old.
Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad
Svet vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu
Council of the Government of Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad
Council Members
Mr. Peter Mandelj OAM
149 Bellevue Avenue,
Rosanna VIC 3084
Tel: +61 (03) 94592163
Fax: +61 (03) 94592163
Mr. Florijan Auser
PO Box 191,
Sylvania, NSW, 2224
Tel: +61 2 9522 9922
Fax: +61 2 9522 9922
Spletno mesto in arhiv slovenskih ročnih del v Melbournu
Brošura – Predstavitev spletnega mesta in arhiva slovenskih ročnih del v Melbournu
Launch of at Slovenian Festival Melbourne 1 March 2008
1 March 2008 The information brochure about the Archives of Slovenian Handicrafts in Melbourne
Peter Mandelj – Order of Australia Award 2008
The Medal of the Order of Australia ( OAM ) was awarded to Mr. Peter Mandelj for his role in organisations and service to the Slovenian community.
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