Aleksandra Ceferin

Aleksandra Ceferin (M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed.) has introduced Slovenian language as a school subject in Australian school system and founded the Slovenian Teachers' Association of Victoria in 1976. She has extensive experience in language education: as teacher, lecturer, curriculum coordinator, course writer, language consultant and manager, VCE State Reviewer and Chief Examiner. Since 1998 she has been the President of ISSV and the manager and chief editor of its projects. Aleksandra visits Slovenian annually, establishing and maintaining contacts with Slovenia, and initiating exchanges and cooperation between organizations. In 2004 she was the recipient of the National Education Award of RS Slovenia.

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.
P O Box 7649
Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4217, Australia
Ph/Fax 07 5539 4833
President: John Jani Paul

Individual Supporters

ISSV Inc. and would like to express appreciation for valuable support from:

Australia and other countries
Laura Abram
France Benko
Iva Benko
Marcela Bole
Ciril Božič
Alexander Braletitch
Milena Brgoč
Ana Čeferin
Jana Ceferin
Milan Ceferin
Andy Chin
Lidija Čušin
Gustel Glavnik
Prof. Edi Gobetz
Prof. Andreš Jan
Lenti Lenko
Cheng Hong Lin
Štefan Merzel
Jan Novak
Paul Skok
Sonya Skok
Veronika Smrdel
Lucija Srnec
Štefan Srnec
Danila Štolfa
Linda Štolfa
Sonia Vadnjal
Bogdan Weinberger

Jožefa Ažman
Valerija Ažman
Janez Bitenc
Dragica Bošnjak
Berta Dolinar
Prof. Silvo Fatur
Evald Flisar
Breda Franetič
Drago Franetič
Miram Franetič
Prof. Martin Jevnikar
Daša Koprivec
Lojze Košorok
Spela Kučan
Dušica Kunaver
Dragica Motik
Lela B. Njatin
Mara Obreza
Maja Obreza
Vinko Obreza
Vid Pečjak
Marinka Pečjak
Nataša Potočnik
Alekcij Pregarc
Marija Sivec
Daša Toman
Prof. Miha Toman
Irena Uršič
Rado Vadnjal

ISSV Membership

Become a member and support the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in its initiatives, activities, exciting new projects for promotion of Slovenia, its language and culture.

Slovenian Catholic Mission of St. Cyril And Methodius

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

SS, Cyril and Methodius Slovenian Mission
Baraga House
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Phone +61 3 9853 7787
Fax +61 3 9853 6176
Mob 0412 555 840
Manager: Fr. Ciril Božič, OFM

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc.
82 Ingrams Road, Research, VIC 3095. Australia
Ph 03 9437 1226

President: Frances Urbas-Johnson

Mother Romana Home – Slovenian Aged Care Facility

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Mother Romana Home – Slovenian Aged Care Facility
11-15 A’Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Ph 03 9853 1054
Fax 03 9855 0811
Manager: Sandra Krnel

ISSV Arhivi 1976 – 2002 (in Slovenian)

The document is a description of the contents of ISSV Archives in 1976 – 2002. It was sent upon request to historian and researcher Aleksej Kalc for the information and records of the Scientific and Research Centre Koper of the Republic of Slovenia in December 2002.

Education projects

From 1976 onwards ISSV had the responsibility of maintaining Slovenian language classes in the Victorian secondary state school system. This involved a range of interrelated activities which included maintenance of classes, curriculum and course development…