These are the students who attended the Slovenian language classes at secondary level at the Victorian School of Languages from 1977 to 2005. Altogether 504 students, of these 82 students completed the Higher School Certificate for Slovenian language (matura iz slovenskega jezika).
Anton Janša
Anton Janša: "Among all of God’s creatures there is none as industrious and as useful, and needing less care, nourishment, or costing less than the bee".
Helena Leber – This is your life
Helena was known to the whole Slovenian community through her radio work, and she began actively helping with health and social issues within the community. She contacted authorities, organized care for people in need, she drove the elderly to hospital, or to visit friends.
LOTE Conference in Melbourne 2008
15 May 2008 LOTE Conference 2008 has been an exciting and invigorating event. The mood was due principally to the new government’ s expressed recognition of the importance of languages, the affirmative attitude towards language studies within the school curriculum…
House of Tona
Tona’s house/Tonina hiša got its name after its last resident, the well-to-do farm owner, Mrs. Antonija Goreli. Some 500 years old building, it is a beautiful example of Istrian rural architecture.
Water Man and the Boy
Many tales of the Water Man are about his loneliness and goodwill towards humans. He sometimes saves or kidnaps young maidens or children, is kind to them and offers them a wonderful life with great treasures to entice them into staying with him.
The Water Man
In Slovenian folklore there are countless tales of Povodni mož/Water man, sometimes called Gestrin. He is a water spirit, often described as half man, half fish, who can change his appearance on land and may play mischief on humans.
The White Serpent
The white serpent / bela kača occupies a significant place in Slovenian mythology. Known mostly as the guardian of great hidden treasures, it is a powerful magical being, that can be benevolent towards mankind, rewarding kindness and good deeds.
How it came to be
In the rich Slovenian folk tale tradition there are many different types of tales. Very significant, attractive and often humourous are the tales of how things came to be. We are presenting the tale of how the rocky Kras region of Slovenia, and the Vilenica cave.
The Trubar Homestead
The three buildings stand on the spot, where Trubar homestead stood, the house where he was born in 1508, with the mill and sawmill. However the present buildings are of more recent date – merely 200 years old.