Linguistic elements


Students should understand the regularity of the relationship of sounds and letters in Slovenian, from the point of view of both accurate pronunciation and spelling in written Slovenian.

Syntax and Morphology


·         tense and personal (singular, dual, plural) suffixes


–           present
–           past
–           future
·         gerund
·         voice
–           active or passive
·         participle
·         mood
–           imperative
–           conditional
–           optative and supine
–           subjunctive
–           infinitive
·         other
–           reflexive verbs
–           the verb biti – positive, negative, interrogative, and use of familiar and formal forms
–           irregular verbs


·         formation
·         types:  time, place, manner
·         function of adverbs, eg, in the formation of the comparative adjective


·         case
–           nominative
–           genitive
–           dative
–           accusative
–           locative
–           instrumental

·         gender
–           masculine
–           feminine
–           neuter
·         number
–           singular
–           dual
–           plural
·         declension
–           first (feminine nouns ending in a)
–           second (feminine nouns ending in a consonant)
–           third (masculine nouns ending in a consonant, inanimate, animate)
–           fourth (neuter nouns ending in e or o)
·         nouns used only in plural forms
·         diminutive
·         exceptions


·         declension
–           gender
–           number
–           case
·         comparative – formation using adverb and superlative, using suffixes
·         superlative – formation using prefixes


·         personal
·         interrogative
·         demonstrative
·         possessive
·         relative
·         reflexive
·         indefinite, definite


·         cardinal – declension, case
·         ordinal
·         numeric expression of quantity – declension

Sentence & Phrase types

·         statements
·         questions
·         compound sentences
·         complex sentences
·         commands
·         direct and indirect speech
·         noun phrases adjectival phrases


Semantics and Pragmatics


The type of vocabulary included will depend largely on the discourse forms, activities, settings, roles and topics selected:

·         compound words
·         derivation
·         diminutives
·         neologisms
·         loanwords

Cohesive Devices

·         conjunctions
–         coordinating
–         subordinating

Routines (formulaic expressions), Fillers and Exclamations


·         formal and informal forms of address

Aleksandra Ceferin

Aleksandra Ceferin (M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed.) has introduced Slovenian language as a school subject in Australian school system and founded the Slovenian Teachers' Association of Victoria in 1976. She has extensive experience in language education: as teacher, lecturer, curriculum coordinator, course writer, language consultant and manager, VCE State Reviewer and Chief Examiner. Since 1998 she has been the President of ISSV and the manager and chief editor of its projects. Aleksandra visits Slovenian annually, establishing and maintaining contacts with Slovenia, and initiating exchanges and cooperation between organizations. In 2004 she was the recipient of the National Education Award of RS Slovenia.