Topic: The Freising manuscripts / Brižinski spomeniki
The Freising manuscripts (in Slovenian Brižinski spomeniki or Brižinski rokopisi) are thousand-year old manuscripts written in Slovenian language of the time. They are the earliest preserved writings in the Slovenian language and the earliest Slavic texts in Latin script. They are part of a church codex – most probably used by the bishop of Freising himself – consisting of 169 pages and containing 70 items in Latin. Of these nine pages – three complete texts – are written in Old Slovenian presumably spoken in the area during the 10th century. The preserved Brižinski spomeniki are thought to be copies of even older 9th century originals in Upper Carinthia or in Freising in the present territory of Austria and most probably written by German and possibly Slovenian priests for their flock.
The Brižinski spomeniki consist of three texts. Brižinski spomeniki I, and Brižinski spomeniki III are translations of unidentified Old High German confession formulas. The first text was repeated after the priest in fragments in what has been liturgical practice to the present day, Brižinski spomeniki II is a homily on sin and its consequences for mankind.
It provides: a detailed description and history of the Freising manuscripts.
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Scholarly Digital Editions : 1.0, 2007-04-06
Editor of digital edition: Matija Ogrin
Publisher: Scientific Research Centre, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
URL http://nl.ijs.si/e-zrc/bs/index-en.html
It contains: an historical overview of the manuscripts, a series of studies and commentaries, a glossary, a bibliography, and translations of the manuscripts into Latin and five modern European languages. The electronic edition is enriched with a spoken reconstruction in early Slovenian, and is integrated with a transcription of the manuscripts in modern Slovenian language.
Digital facsimile of the Freising manuscripts:
URL http://nl.ijs.si/e-zrc/bs/html/bsFC.html