Dear friends,
On the 30th anniversary of our educational activities we are announcing another of our new recently published projects – the Online Archives of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria.
The project ISSV Archives is set up to exhibit the history of Slovenian language and Slovenian educational associations since 1976, when Slovenian language was introduced into the Australian school system of Victoria. It is a significant element within the framework of Slovenian heritage and language maintenance in Australia, and an important segment of Slovenian presence on the fifth continent.
The header image shows the campus grounds and the fountain of Monash University in Melbourne, where the founding meeting of Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria/STAV was held in 1976.
On the Archives home page there are set out the five main categories of the section: Slovenian Language in Australia, Slovenian Education Associations, Victorian School of Languages, Victorian Secondary Certification Authorities, Members and Contributors. Within categories articles are listed on the right and can be accessed by clicking.
On the right side there is Categories bar. By clicking on each, you first access category entry page with short description of each category and by clicking on the title you can view full article. The Categories listing is followed by the listing Random articles from the section. Here the reader may click on any in the random selection of articles on various topics and elements of the Victorian educational system.
Under the section Random articles there is access to Thezaurus Links collection and RSS News – Australian and Slovenian media. Underneath follow ADSense advertisements which appear throughout the website. They are related thematically to the content of each section. All revenues from advertising contribute to the maintenance of the website Thezaurus.
The archives will eventually contain about 2000 PDF document files. They represent a 30 years record of Slovenian language and culture teaching within the framework of major educational reforms in Victoria during the period of 1976 to 2006.
Dragi prijatelji!
Ob 30letnici našega delovanja naznanjamo drugega izmed novo objavljenih projektov – Spletne Arhive Viktorijskega Inštituta za slovenistiko.
ISSV Arhivi predstavljajo zgodovino slovenskega jezika in slovenskih šolsko-vzgojnih ustanov od leta 1976, ko smo v Viktoriji vpeljali slovenščino v avstralski šolski sistem države Viktorije. Je pomembna sestavina v okviru slovenske dediščine in ohranjanja slovenskega jezika v Avstraliji ter slovenske prisotnosti na peti celini.
Naslovna ilustracija ISSV Arhivov predstavlja kampus z vodometom Monash univerze v Melbournu, kjer je Aleksandra Čeferin leta 1976 zasnovala Združenje slovenskih učiteljev Viktorije.
Vstopno stran ISSV Arhivov sestavlja pet kategorij: Slovenski jezik v Avstraliji, Slovenska šolskovzgojna združenja, Viktorijska šola za jezike, Viktorijske srednješolske akreditacijske ustanove, Člani in podpiratelji. Podkategorije se v okviru kategorij ki jim pripadajo listajo na desni strani in so dosegljive s klikom na naslov.
Na skrajni desni strani pod naslovom Kategorije so listane glavne kategorije Arhivov. Če kliknete nanje, dobite vstopno stran s kratkim opisom kategorije in listo vseh člankov. S klikom na naslov odprete celotno besedilo. Pod Kategorijami na desni strani so Naključni članki. Bralcu po naključnostnem načelu ponujajo po deset člankov na temo slovenščine v viktorijskem šolskem sistemu.
Spodaj sledi referenčna zbirka Thezaurus povezav in RSS Novice iz avstralskih in slovenskih medijev, s klikom na sliko parka Tivoli, in RSS Novic. Pod temi so AdSense oglasi, ki se nanašajo na šolskovzgojne teme. Google oglasi se pojavljajo na vsaki strani Thezaurusa in se tematično nanašajo na posamezne sekcije. Vsi prihodki so namenjeni vzdrževanju spletnega mesta Thezaurus.
ISSV Arhivom bomo sčasoma dodali skoraj 2000 PDF dokumentov, ki predstavljajo 30 let dela za slovenski jezik in kulturo v okviru avstralskega šolskega sistema in velikih šolskovzgojnih prenov v državi Viktoriji v letih 1976 do 2006.
Kind Regards / z lepimi pozdravi,
Aleksandra Ceferin
Thezaurus Team
Melbourne, Australia