Members and contact information

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc.
 2/43 Stockdale Avenue, Clayton North, VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA

Telephone: + 61 3 9544 0595
Mobile: 0418 147 843


Architecture of Abiro established by architects Miloš Florjaničič (1955) and Matej Blenkuš (1971) significantly marked the space of Slovenian contemporary architecture …

Božično voščilo 2010

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2011 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo

Božično voÅ¡čilo 2009

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2010 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo


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