Čatež as described in Slovenian legends is identical with Greek Pan, and his double Roman Silvanus. In common with these deities Čatež is half man half goat, and has horns.
Škocjanske Jame / The Škocjan Caves
World heritage site The Škocjan Caves is a natural phenomenon of global significance, ranking side by side with the Grand Canyon, the Galapagos Islands, and the Mammoth Cave system.
Australian Slovenian Association IVAN CANKAR, Geelong Inc
Avstralsko slovensko kulturno in športno društvo “IVAN CANKAR” Geelong The Geelong club was established in…
Community language schools in Geelong and Melbourne
Community language schools in Geelong and Melbourne 20 Feb 2012
AGM on 18 May 2013
Annual General Meeting for ISSV is at 2.30 – 5.00pm Saturday 18 May 2013.
Tales of three rivers
Tales about rivers have a special place in Slovenian tradition. They reflect the fondness the Slovenian people have towards their major rivers and express the gratitude and appreciation for the prosperity they bring to their land.
Tales of rivers
These are widely known Slovenian folk tales; "Tale about Drava River" is an account how rye and wheat grain came to Slovenian lands. The "Drava, Sava and Soča" compares the character of the three rivers…
Happy New Year 2012 Apocalypse not…Neuropolis
Happy New Year 2012, from Neuropolis Institute, Ljubljana.
Idrija located in the western Primorska region, is the oldest mining town in Slovenia, renowned for the second largest mercury mine in the world, and elegant white lace.
Frygian name Zemele means earth in Baltic and Slavic languages, the ground, the world. Its identification with the Greek Gaia has been preserved by Latvians as mother earth Žemyna
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