Title: Curriculum & Standards Framework Course Guidelines Slovenian 1996,
Authors: Ceferin A L, Ceferin A A, Victorian School of Languages, Department of Education, Melbourne 1996
Slovenian is the first in the series of CSF Course Guidelines prepared for languages taught in the Victorian School of Languages… It was designed to serve as a model for the subsequent CSF Course Guidelines for VSL languages.
8.9. VSL: Course Guidelines Slovenian 1996
8.8. VSL: Slovenian Multi-level Syllabus 1996
Title: Curriculum Standarts Framework, Slovenian Multi-Level Syllabus 1996, CSF Levels 2-5,
Author: Sandi Ceferin, Victorian School of Languages, Melbourne, 1996.
The Slovenian multi-level syllabus was one of a series of Curriculum and Standards Framework syllabi that served as a model for CSF language course writing…
8.7. VSL: Slovenian Course Outlines 7-12 1996
Title: Slovenian Course Outline 1996 Years 7 – 10, Years VCE,
Authors: Ceferin, A L and Ceferin A A, Victorian School of Languages, Directorate of Schools Education, Melbourne, 1996. Copyright VSL 1996
VSL Course Outlines for levels 7 – 12 were developed by the Slovenian faculty co-ordinators as part of a curriculum initiative funded by DEET which started in the VSL in 1991.
8.4. VSL: Publishing 1987-2005
Victorian School of Languages: the new Year 11 & 12 senior studies were introduced for minority languages in 1991, beginning with Year 11 level of studies; samples of Year 11 Unit and Unit 2 Work Requirements.

8.5. VSL: Coursework, tests and reports 1987 – 2005
Victorian School of Languages: mid-year exam, samples of student responses in 1988 and other work, samples of student reports, test results, class lists and course outlines.
8.3. VSL: Meetings 1988-2004
Victorian School of Languages undertook a series of curriculum and professional development sessions, including annual Curriculum Days, Professional Development for VSL Centre Managers, VSL Language Coordinators, Course writers, newly appointed VCE teachers, etc.
8.2. VSL: Documents 1988-2004
Victorian School of Languages documents deal with VSL appointments, In-service sessions, notices to students and parents, selection criteria for instructors, VCE implementation.
8.1. VSL: Correspondence 1988-2004
Correspondence between Slovenian teachers and Coordinators, with the Principal of Victorian School of Languages and Area Managers.
7.8. SSML Slovenian Folk Songs
Title: Slovenian Folk Songs/ Slovenske narodne pesmi
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984 ISBN 0 9590177 1 2
A collection of folk songs for children, used in Slovenian classes in Australia, mainly in Saturday School of Modern Languages. 
Sung by Ileana Bratuž – Kocjan, Accompanied by Borut Lesjak, organized by Janez Bitenc and Drago Ceferin.
7.6. SSML: Handbook 1984
Saturday School of Modern Languages Handbook, SSML, 1984
Relevant excerpts about the Saturday School of Modern Languages Advisory Council , Slovenian page, and the Foreword by the Principal G Abiuso.
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