Historical Archives for Slovenian Australians
HASA NSW was registered 9 February 2003 as a charity to operate exclusively for the safeguarding of historical records of the Slovenian community in New South Wales and the promotion of the Slovenian culture. The launch of the Historical Archives took place on 3 April 2004 in Sydney, with an exhibition and presentation of the book “Sadovi slovenske dediščine” – “The Fruits of our Slovenian Heritage” published by HASA, NSW. It covers the highlights of the history and the achievements of the Slovenian community in New South Wales.
P.O. 280
Merrylands, NSW 2160, Australia
Tel: 02 9760 1173
Fax: 02 9682 7692
Web: www.glasslovenije.com.au/hasa2004/hasa-nsw_index.htm
Pilot project: www.da-slo.com.au/
E-mail: hasansw@bigpond.com
President: Martha Magajna
Updated: 12 February 2013