Slovensko avstralsko družabno in športno društvo St. Albans
Slovenian Sports Association was first established in 1981 under the name of Happy Hunters Veseli Lovci. The purpose of the Club was to maintain recognition of the traditions and culture of the Slovenian migrants in Australia.In 1986 the name was changed to the Slovenian Sports Association St. Albans.
In 1987 the Club membership purchased a property in St. Albans and began building their official Club hall and premises. This was done through donations and contributions by members and the public as well as extensive fund raising via raffles and functions. Many Club members actively gave their time and skills in construction and engineering to complete this project.
Slovenian Australian Social and Sport Association St. Albans Inc
4 Willis Street (P.O. Box 297), St Albans, VIC 3021, Australia
Ph/Fax 61 3 9364 5885
E-mail slovien@bigpond.net.au
President: Branko Kojc