Publications were developed as:
teachers support materials, language learning resources and curriculum materials for Slovenian as a foreign language according to the study guidelines and requirements of the Education Department of Victoria.
Digital publications
Web projects from 1998 to 2001 were initiated by the Thezaurus project team with seed funding provided by the Education Department, within the Lotelinx Project started in May 1998, now maintained by the MLTAV at Since that period, web and archive projects have been initiated by the Institute and realised with the support of educational and cultural state organizations in Slovenia and Australia.
A.L. Ceferin, Slovenian Literary Reader / Slovensko slovstvo-berilo, Victorian School of Languages, Melbourne, 1984. (242 pages)
A historical review of Slovenian literature from earliest beginnings.
A.L. Ceferin, Slovenian Folk Songs/Slovenske narodne pesmi, Melbourne, 1985 (booklet and audio cassette) (31 pages)
A.L. Ceferin, Slovenian Course Outlines, Years 7-10,VCE 11-12, Victorian School of Languages, Melbourne, 1996 revised (85 pages)
First written in 1992, they were revised and updated in 1994 and 1996. They represent a useful tool for teachers of Slovenian, with interesting topics and activities, an integrated approach to all language skills, a sound grammar basis and the overall aim of extending knowledge of Slovenian culture.
The study program is based on the topic approach systematically introduced by the Victorian School of Languages. There are eight topics for each level 7 – 10, with activities, text-types, linguistic elements, assessment activities and resources appropriate for each topic at each level.
VCE levels 11 and 12 comprise 4 units/semesters, each unit consisting of six topics set out progressively according to the prescription of the newly introduced two-year course towards the Victorian Certificate of Education.
A.A. Ceferin, Slovenian CSF Syllabus, Years 5-10, Teaching a Multi-level Class, Victorian School of Languages, Melbourne, 1996 (44 pages)
This is a complete teaching program according to the CSF (Curriculum and Standards Framework) introduced in Victorian schools, developed for three levels of a multi-level class.
It comprises 9 topics: Family, Our Home, Easter, In the morning, Going shopping, Planning a trip to Slovenia, In Ljubljana, Water – source of life, Forest, Field.
Very useful for classes with students at different levels of knowledge.
A.L. & A.A. Ceferin, CSF Course Guidelines-Slovenian, Victorian School of Languages, 1996 (86 pages)
Slovenian CSF Guidelines were planned as a part of the implementation process and served as a model in the process of introducing CSF methodology and course planning into the Victorian School of Languages and other Victorian schools and were widely distributed at teachers seminars and workshops.
The Guidelines contain:
– A progressive chart of topics for year levels 4 – 10
– A comprehensive list of Slovenian linguistic elements
– Lists of text-types and language functions
– CSF Level 1 – 7 sample topic syllabus
– A sample multilevel CSF syllabus Levels 2 – 5 with 9 topics
– Advice to teachers on use of variety of resources
– A bibliography
– Appendix: how to plan and prepare a CSF topic
A. L. Ceferin, VCE Students CAT Kit, VSL, Melbourne, 1998 (42 pages)
Students guide to assessment work (Common Assessment Tasks) . Sections are: Kinds of writing, Cover page, sample cover page, conventions of discourse forms, LOTE correction code, assessment sheet, assessment criteria.
Slovenian VCE Study Design, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Melbourne, 2001 (64 pages)
The document sets out in detail the requirements of the two year course comprising the study towards the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE/matriculation). The course is planned to achieve a clearly defined standard, which applies to all languages studies of Victoria (Languages Other Than English).
The document sets out in detail the structure, the requirements, and the assessment over the two years of study and provides samples of possible themes and topics for the study of Slovenian language and culture.
A.L. & A.A. Ceferin, Slovenian CSF and VCE Course Outline, Years 1 – 12, Victorian School of Languages, 2003 (204 pages)
This work is based on the reformed educational system of Victoria, and comprises two parts, CSF levels 1 – 10 and VCE senior levels 11-12, including the matriculation requirements. The curriculum document represents the final approach – reached in 2003 – to language teaching and assessment started in Victoria in 1986, introduced in 1991 and reviewed in the following years.
It is the first Slovenian curriculum program which includes the primary levels 1-6, so that the book represents a complete methodological approach, which is student-centred, practical in that it uses materials and sets assessment tasks that are relevant to student experience, combines knowledge of language with the cultural context of the home country and the Slovenian community abroad.
The teaching program is a detailed and systematic approach to language teaching for multilevel classes with appropriate classroom activities, assessment tasks and up-to-date resources. Each topic presents activities and assessment tasks for 3 levels.
It is a thematic approach to teaching language, allowing students to broaden their vocabulary while following a variety of interests. There are 13 themes in CSF levels and three major prescribed themes at the VCE level: the Individual, Slovenian communities, and the Changing world.
The book also contains a comprehensive general bibiliography and a VCE bibliography.
For teachers outside the Australian school system, the document represents a valuable resource for activities, assessment, and up-to-date teaching resources, including the Internet.
A.L. Ceferin, Slovenian Language in Australia – 25 years of Slovenian language in Victorian schools, Institute of Slovenian Studies of Victoria 1977-2002, ISSV, Melbourne, 2003 (142 pages)
The author of the book, Aleksandra (Sasha) Ceferin introduced Slovenian language into the Australian school system of Victoria in 1977. Her main intention in writing the book was to commemorate 25 years of educational work for the teachers, students and parents of the Slovenian school community and at the same time to produce a permanent record of Slovenian presence in Australia.
Slovenian Language in Australia covers the period of fifty years of settlement by the Slovenian immigrants, focusing on the 25 years, when Slovenian language was an accredited subject in the school system of Victoria.
The book, 140 pages in length, presents a historical context for the introduction of Slovenian language, documents the initial stage and further development through several major school reforms, with emphasis on the accreditation process of Slovenian as a Higher School Certificate (maturitetni predmet) within the Victorian school system.
To document the period from 1976 to 2002 there are 120 photographs, 22 illustrations and 39 documents, which give a clear view of the numbers of students involved, as well as the milestones which marked the progress of Slovenian study within the Victorian school system.
The book contains a full list of nearly 500 students enrolled in Slovenian classes from 1977 to 2002 and a list of all the teachers who had taught Slovenian in Victoria in state secondary system and in Slovenian clubs and centre. It features statements by the teachers, some in Slovenian, some in English, statements by students, samples of VCE written work and other selected pieces.
The Appendix details year by year the milestones of teaching Slovenian from 1976 to 2002, an extensive bibliography of Slovenian teaching materials and a historical review of that unique institution, Victorian School of Languages.
The book is a memento for students of Slovenian, but it is also intended for non-Slovenian friends and relatives in Slovenia. It is a useful document for researcher. The books written about Slovenian immigrants have not included information about the role of the Australian education system in language maintenance.
Slovenian Heritage Trail Kit
This Heritage Trail is an online education language kit on the theme "An exploration of the cultural life of Slovenes in greater Melbourne". The trail is a resource for language and interdisciplinary culture studies programs for the student and the teacher. Study units contain: background notes, core primary source documents, visual and reference resources. Source materials published from 1998 to 2008 provide detailed information on the topics and an historical overview on the Slovenian presence in Australia. The book description: 44 pp, format A4 landscape, front and back acetate cover, content includes 63 colour photos and it is downloadable as an E-book.
The Teaching of Slovenian Language in Australia, Melbourne, 1994
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria, Melbourne, 2001
The Teaching of Slovenian Language in Australia – 25 years, 1977 to 2002, Melbourne, 2003
Slovenian Language in Australia, 1976 to 2006, Classroom to Webclassroom, Melbourne, 2006.
Web Projects 1998 – 2013
Webzine Sloveniana
The webzine is an ongoing series of researched articles by different authors, about Slovenia, its people and culture, for the English speaking public. The chief editor is Aleksandra L. Ceferin. Articles were published in 1998 and launched in January 1999. The collection has over fifty articles.Categories are main areas of Slovenian cultural traditions: Cultural Treasures, Ethnographic Heritage, Natural Treasures, Notable Slovenes, Slovenian History, Slovenian Literature and the Arts, Myths, Legends and Tales.
The website Thezaurus initiated in 1998, was a Lotelinx project funded by the Education Department of Victoria, and launched on the Web on 1 January 1999 as It was developed as a platform for the major projects and activities of the "Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria". The name Thezaurus, meaning treasury or library has been selected for the classical allusion and was designed by web developer Chiron Morpheus as a web node for conceptually organized sources, for the purpose and needs of Slovenian cultural studies, with a broader presentation of Slovenia, the people, language and culture. Thezaurus web projects aim to present elements of Slovenian culture, to facilitate and promote cultural dialogue, and to connect individuals, and communities around the world.
About the web projects
The web node contains a body of over 300 pages of cultural and language archives and comprises continuing projects: Sloveniana Webzine, Literator, Galeria Sloveniana, Webclassroom, Language resources, Forums, ISSV Archives, and Community.
Slovenian Literator
Slovenian Literator has been conceived as a web anthology of contemporary Slovenian literature. Its basis is the anthology of Slovenian poetry and prose compiled by the poet, academic Dr. Aleš Debeljak, The Imagination of Terra Incognita: Slovenian Writing 1945 -1995.
The innovative and dynamic concept initiated by web developer Chiron Morpheus of Zavod Neuropolis, is a model for organic and thematic presentation of Slovenian literary art. ISSV and members of the Slovenian Writers’ Association have worked in partnership on this project, which generated interest at the Melbourne Launch (on the occasion of the "Down Under" Reading Tour in August 2001) and at the media conference in Ljubljana (at the Slovenian Writers’ Centre) in September 2001.
Archives of Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. 1976 – 2005
The archives of the Institute consist of over 2,000 documents. The archivist is Aleksandra Ceferin who has collated and maintained documents of the activities connected with the teaching of Slovenian language in the school system from 1976. They have been categorized according to the institutions that were involved in the teaching of Slovenian language as a secondary subject in the State of Victoria from the years 1976 to 2005.
Archive of Slovenian Emigrant Handicrafts
The online archive of Slovenian handicrafts lays the foundation for further research, collection activity and archiving of Slovenian handicrafts in Australia and elsewhere. The exhibition is based on the collection of handicraft exhibits produced by Australian Slovenes of Victoria, and is a collaborative effort by Daša Koprivec, Senior Curator at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum of Ljubljana and Aleksandra Ceferin, President of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. The project was sponsored in 2006 by the Office for Slovenes Abroad (Urad za Slovence po svetu) and the Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
The website designed and developed by Zavod Neuropolis, is the first online exhibition of Slovenian handicrafts by the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, and ground-breaking by world standards. It is also the first project of its kind, and the first joint project between Australia and Slovenia
Myths and Legends
The first English translation of thirty-five Slovenian folk tales by Aleksandra L. Ceferin from the source collection “Bajke in pripovedke slovenskega ljudstva” by Jakob Kelemina published in 1930 in Slovenia, revealing the rich Slovenian tradition of tales, myths and legends. It is an astounding journey into an ancient world populated by magical beings, such as fairies, water sprites and other extraordinary creatures.
Slovenian Heritage Trail Kit E-Book
This Heritage Trail is an online education language kit on the theme "An exploration of the cultural life of Slovenes in greater Melbourne". The trail is a resource for language and interdisciplinary culture studies programs for the student and the teacher. Study units contain: background notes, core primary source documents, visual and reference resources. Source materials published from 1998 to 2008 provide detailed information on the topics and an historical overview on the Slovenian presence in Australia.