Holy Family Slovenian Mission

Adelaide, SA, Australia

Holy Family Slovenian Mission
51 Young Avenue, West Hindmarsh, SA 5007, Australia
Ph 08 8346 9674
Fax 08 9346 2903
E-mail tretjak@picknowl.com.au
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-adelaide.htm
Manager: Fr. Janez Tretjak, OFM

Bocce Centre PLANINKA, Queensland

Cornubia, QLD, Australia

Bocce Centre "Planinka"
Logan City
146 Redland Bay Road
Cornubia, QLD 4130, Australia
Tel:  07 3272 5934
Email: langersek@yahoo.com.au
Predsednik: Vladimir Langersek

St Raphael, Slovenian Mission Sydney

Sydney, NSW, Australia

St. Raphael Slovenian Mission
313 Merrylands Road, Merrylands, NSW 2160, Australia
Ph 02 9637 7147 02 9682 5478
Fax 02 9682 7692
Mob 0419 236 783
E-mail rafael@zeta.org.au
Web http://www.glasslovenije.com.au/versko-sydney.htm
Managers: Fr. Darko Žnidaršič, OFM, Fr. Valerijan Jenko, OFM, OAM 

Slovenian Drama Group Merrylands

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Slovenian Drama Group Merrylands,
311 Merrylands Road, Merrylands, NSW, 2160, Australia
Ph 02 9637 7147 Fax 02 9682 7692
President: Herman Koželj

Beginnings of cultural activities

Misli of those early years also reported on Slovenian traditional festivities. New Year, Easter, St. Nicholas, and Christmas were celebrated with all the traditional icons – the religious rituals that gave the event meaning and all the other ways of marking the occasion, Christmas tree and manger, traditional dishes and potica, music and dancing. Above all it was the Slovenian togetherness that gave comfort and made the new country less alien.


Some of the people whose name appears on the list have worked unremittingly and voluntarily in the field of education, language teaching, organizing cultural events, and dedicating themselves to to this work of maintaining their cultural heritage and handing it on to the next generation,  for as long as 30 years.

Students said

My connection to Slovenia was a tenuous one (only my estranged father is Slovenian) and it existed in my mind in post-card form as that beautiful yet strange eastern-European country where some of my cousins lived. Through Slovenian class I was introduced to many exciting and new concepts that give flavour and uniqueness to a culture, from poems and proverbs (pregovori) to contemporary short stories by Andrej Blatnik

Teachers said

I was delighted to find the students highly responsive, motivated to learn Slovenian and about Slovenian culture. They were keen to know about Slovenia today, as a people and about its context in the world. I incorporated authentic sources of journals, radio, newspapers, television, videotapes. The cyber world of the Web opened the window on; the country, daily news, virtual guides of cities, and new literature.


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