Title: Slovenian Language in Australia, 25 Years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools. Anniversary Program 22 March 2003. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L., ISSV Inc., Melbourne, 2003
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria, a chronicle of achievements in the field of language education and so a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.
10.11. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia. Program
10.10. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia 2003
Title: Slovenian Language in Australia. 25 years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools.Institute of Slovenian Studies of Victoria 1977 – 2002. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L, ISSV Inc, Melbourne, 2003 ISBN 0 9750453 0 X
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria. It chronicles the achievements in the field of language education and is a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.
10.4. ISSV: Meetings 1998 – 2005
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria meetings include the significant meetings called for special projects, such as 25 Anniversary, The Lost Generation Conference, VSL Meeting regarding the suspension of five VCE languages.
10.3. ISSV: Documents 1998-2008
ISSV Archives – Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Documents in English and Slovenian record the activities and projects of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. in Australia and Slovenia. They include the beginning of Slovenian web site thezaurus.com, sponsored by the Department of Education, Employment and Training of Victoria in 1998-2000.

10.2. ISSV: Correspondence 2003 – 2005
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria documents refererring to the Department of Education LOTElinx, Five Slovenian Authors Reading Tour, and various other matters, such as Olympic Games in Sydney contribution, and a request for support for Slovenian language as a school subject.
10.1. ISSV: Correspondence 1998-2002
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria / Viktorijski inštitut za slovenistiko – correspondence of this period deals with the Victorian Education Department, the LOTElinx Language Project, Five Slovenian Authors Tour, other projects of the institute, and communications on a range of issues, with the representatives of Slovenian government and institutions.
9.3. STAV: Meetings 1976-1997
Selected meetings have been archived, They illuminate a range of interests and activities undertaken by Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria.
9.2. STAV: Documents 1976-1998
Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria documents deal with the establishment of the association, and its activities and interests during the period.
9.1. STAV: Correspondence 1976-1985
Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria: Correspondence is a record of the initiatives and activities of STAV with correspondents in Australia, Slovenia, and USA.
Correspondence between Aleksandra Ceferin, President STAV, with Prof Martin Jevnikar in Trieste and USA academics Prof. Rado Lenček, Prof. Toussaint Hočevar, Prof. Edi Gobetz, etc, regarding teaching resources, ordering and exchange of information.
8.10. VSL: Slovenian CSF & VCE Course Outline 2003
Title: Slovenian CSF & VCE Course Outline,
Authors: Ceferin A L & Ceferin A A, Victorian School of Languages, Department of Education and Training, Melbourne, 2003
The course outline for Slovenian language at the secondary level is founded on the teaching of Slovenian at the Victorian School of Languages (204 pages). It includes primary, secondary and VCE levels.
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