Lux mundi. The Light of the World. Luc sveta.
Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,
Ob 20 obletnici državnosti čestitamo vsem sorojakom in jim želimo iz srca lepe in prijetne božične praznike ter Novo leto 2011, z upanjem, da bomo opravili zrelostni izpit, ki ga prinaša trenutna kriza in našli novo, potomcem prijazno vizijo in sodobnikom ustreznejšo stvarnost.
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of statehood we congratulate all fellow countrymen and wish them a joyful Christmas and a happy New Year 2011, with the hope that we will all pass the test of maturity, brought about by the present crisis and find a new, descendants friendly vision and fresh, contemporaries appropriate reality.
Thezaurus team
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc.
Melbourne, Australia.