15 June 2009 Announcement: Handicrafts field trip Sydney and Brisbane 19-25 June 2009 by Saša Ceferin and Meta Lenarčič / Zbiranje ročnih del v Avstraliji – Terensko delo v Sydneyu in Brisbanu, junija 2009.
Okoljski center 19.00 18.06.09
15 June 2009 Delavnica o naročniškem kmetovanju (Community Supported Agriculture). Lecture and workshop led by Bojan Morfej Ažman, Friday 19.00 15 June, Okoljski Center, Trubarjeva 50, Ljubljana…
Izdelovanje ročnih del pri Slovenkah in Slovencih v Melbournu in Geelongu v Avstraliji
27 May 2009 Report by: Daša Koprivec,17 April 2009, Lecture for the University of the Third Stage of Life, At the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana. (In Slovenian)
5.8. BoS: VCE Study Design Slovenian
VCE Study Design for Languages Other Than English – Slovenian, Board of Studies 2001
ISBN 1 74010 188 X
Board of Studies publication, a detailed description of the VCE Study Design for Slovenian Year 11 and 12 Course – the 4 Unit structure, Work Requirements and Common Assessment Tasks/CATs with sample topics and an extensive bibliography. Sample topics and bibliography were developed by A.L. and A.A. Ceferin.
2.7. VISE: Examination papers 1981 – 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: samples of assessment tools, based on progressive classroom assessment, a major assignment during the year, and an examination at the end of the year.
New Exhibition Metka Skrobar
1 May 2009 New Exhibition Metka Skrobar, "This Ancient Land" And New Figurative Works, At CMW Galleries, 149 Sussex Street, Sydney, 2000.
7.7. Slovenian Literary Reader
Title: Slovenian Literary Reader/Slovensko slovstvo – Berilo
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984 ISBN 0 959 0177 0 4
This is a collection of Slovenian literary texts covering all periods of Slovenian literary history, from its earliest beginnings in the oral tradition, to the post – World War II period.
10.11. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia. Program
Title: Slovenian Language in Australia, 25 Years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools. Anniversary Program 22 March 2003. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L., ISSV Inc., Melbourne, 2003
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria, a chronicle of achievements in the field of language education and so a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.
10.10. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia 2003
Title: Slovenian Language in Australia. 25 years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools.Institute of Slovenian Studies of Victoria 1977 – 2002. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L, ISSV Inc, Melbourne, 2003 ISBN 0 9750453 0 X
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria. It chronicles the achievements in the field of language education and is a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.
10.4. ISSV: Meetings 1998 – 2005
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria meetings include the significant meetings called for special projects, such as 25 Anniversary, The Lost Generation Conference, VSL Meeting regarding the suspension of five VCE languages.