Aleksandra Ceferin

Aleksandra Ceferin (M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed.) has introduced Slovenian language as a school subject in Australian school system and founded the Slovenian Teachers' Association of Victoria in 1976. She has extensive experience in language education: as teacher, lecturer, curriculum coordinator, course writer, language consultant and manager, VCE State Reviewer and Chief Examiner. Since 1998 she has been the President of ISSV and the manager and chief editor of its projects. Aleksandra visits Slovenian annually, establishing and maintaining contacts with Slovenia, and initiating exchanges and cooperation between organizations. In 2004 she was the recipient of the National Education Award of RS Slovenia.

Members and contact information

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc.
 2/43 Stockdale Avenue, Clayton North, VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA

Telephone: + 61 3 9544 0595
Mobile: 0418 147 843

Božično voščilo 2010

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2011 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo

Božično voÅ¡čilo 2009

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2010 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo