Book: Mi vsi smo Slovenija (2009). ISSV received a request to contribute to this publication for students work, and sent students work from ISSV Archives.
ISSV Annual Report 2009
ISSV Annual Report 2009 (3 pages)
Members and contact information
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc.
2/43 Stockdale Avenue, Clayton North, VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA
Telephone: + 61 3 9544 0595
Mobile: 0418 147 843
Božično voščilo 2010
Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji, We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2011 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo…
Božično voÅ¡čilo 2009
Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji, We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2010 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo…
Slovenian Australian Reading Tour 2009 – Report
Slovenian Australian Reading Tour 2009 – ISSV Report – 27 October 2009.
ISSV Publications and Web Projects 1984 – 2013
From 1984 – 2013 Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria publications, materials for Slovenian language learning, teaching and Slovenian culture studies…
Slovenian Australian Cultural and Sports Association Springvale Inc
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Slovenian Association Planica Springvale Inc
11 Soden Road, Bangholme, VIC 3175, Australia
Ph/Fax 03 9772 6235
President: Fred Toplak
Article: Po sledeh slovenskih ročnih del
16 July 2009 Article: Po sledeh slovenskih ročnih del – Melbourne, Sydney in Brisbane. Author: Aleksandra Ceferin, 22-24. ("On the paths of Slovenian Handicrafts…")
Publication: Misli/Thoughts, July-August 2009 (in Slovenian)
Proposal: Slovenia House in Ljubljana / Slovenska hiša
22 December 2008 The proposal put forward by A. L. Ceferin of ISSV Inc. was read and lodged by Peter Mandelj, a representative of Australian Slovenian Emigrant community at the inaugural series of meetings of the Council of government of Republic of Slovenia in July 2007…