Board of Studies VCE Design. Languages Other Than English for languages developed within the national Assessment Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level, NAFLaSSL, 1993, accredited for 1994. The guide was prepared for state cooperation languages, including Slovenian language, to cover the requirements of the Victorian Year 11 and 12 senior studies course, and Victorian oral assessment.
5.6. BoS: Publications 1993-2001
Board of Studies Manuals, reviewers assessment guides and training kits.
5.5. BoS: VCE Examination papers 1993-2001
Board of Studies: VCE Examination Papers for Slovenian – interstate /NAFLaSSL languages. The written paper consisted of two parts: 1 Processing spoken information and 2 Writing and Reorganizing Information. Oral examination, Conversation and Discussion, was developed in Victoria. Victorian students did not have to complete Paper 3. Discussing a theme.
5.4. BoS: VCE Coursework 1993-2000
Board of Studies Assessment Unit was responsible for assessment options, the four Common Assessment Tasks/CATs – CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3 and CAT 4, gave students a broad choice of teacher approved topics. CAT 1 offered an opportunity to extend reading and writing skills in researching a topic of interest. Assessment sheets with precisely stated criteria were developed. Samples of CAT 1.
5.3. BoS: Meetings 1993-2000
State Verification Chairpersons, State Reviewers and Vetters meetings, regarding review of procedures, changes and assessor training sessions.
4.5.2. VCAB: NAFLaSSL. Slovenian materials 11 and 12 1992
Slovenian/Slovenski jezik. Specimen Assessment and Support Materials Extended Level Years 11 & 12, NAFLaSSL/National Assessment Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1992. ISBN 07308 2467 5
A description of Year 12 course, specimen assessment and support materials for senior secondary leaving level in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.
4.4. VCAB: Publications 1987-1993
Newsletters informing on major changes of the course and accreditation system changes, including the National Framework for Languages at Senior Secondary Level (NAFLaSSL) in 1992.
4.3. VCAB: Assesment papers 1988-1992
Students examination papers 1988-1992 and VCE progressive assessment for Year 12 with samples of students work.
4.2. VCAB: Documents 1986-1993
Documentation of the arrangements for course management and course writing.
4.1. VCAB: Correspondence 1986-1993
Correspondence 1986-1993 reflects the establishment of the new system of course management and the role and membership in the Field of Studies Committee for Languages Other Than English (FOSC/LOTE).