Avstralsko slovensko kulturno in športno društvo “IVAN CANKAR” Geelong
The Geelong club was established in 1955, the social and cultural centre for the small but dynamic Slovenian community. The club began with social gatherings, and singing. The club is said to have started the first Slovenian choir in Australia. The club grew in number as more people including families began to settle in Geelong. In response to an evident need to teach the young, a Slovenian school was established in in 1963.
In the beginning it was held fortnightly after mass, later weekly in the club premises . A folklore group was also established. The club has an active drama group and organizes original exhibitions, often for multicultural events, such as: Table Spread, Slovenian National Dishes, Flower Show, My Hobby. The club has spacious premises, a large bowling alley and keen bowlers.
Australian Slovenian Association Ivan Cankar Geelong Inc.
100 Asher Road, Lovely Banks, VIC 3221, Australia.
Postal Address: PO Box 88, North Geelong, VIC 3215.
Ph 03 5276 1244
Mob 0423 818 299
Fax 03 5276 1011
Email: slovenia100@bigpond.com
President: Marta Mrhar