Documents 1978 record the accreditation process in New South Wales and the participation of A. Ceferin, Prof.J. Marvan and Prof. R. deBray in the process.
3.1. BOSSS: Correspondence 1978-1980
Correspondence 1978-1993 between: Aleksandra Ceferin and Prof. A.J. Dunston, University of Sydney, regarding accreditation of Slovenian as school subject in the state of New South Wales.
2.4.2. VISE Publications: Higher School Certificate Course Description 1985
VISE Higher School Certificate Slovenian Group 2 Course Description, VISE, 1980, accredited for the period 1980-1983.
2.6. VISE: Re-accreditation Process Documents 1981 – 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: documents recording the process of the HSC course review, based on the survey of the HSC students of 1981, 82 and 83. The course was re-accredited for a further five year period.
2.5. VISE: Re-accreditation Process Correspondence 1981 – 1985
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: correspondence of A Ceferin with VISE Curriculum and Assessment Branch, regarding the process of review and re-accreditation of Slovenian Year 12 HSC subject.
2.4.1. VISE Publications: Higher School Certificate Course Description 1980
Documents 1981-1985, re-accreditation process of Slovenian, including a review of the course through a survey of all Year 12 students. Slovenian was accredited fur further three years and later till 1990.
2.3. VISE: Accreditation Process Meetings 1978 -1980
Victorian Institute of Secondary Education: meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee for Slovenian Language in 1979 determining final course description and assessment methods.
2.2. VISE: Accreditation process. Documents 1978-1980
The submissions for Slovenian Year 12 course to VISE Accreditation Committee. Slovenian was accredited for the period of 1980-1983.
2.1. VISE: Accreditation process. Correspondence 1978-1980
Correspondence 1978-1980, between A. Ceferin and VISE Curriculum and Assessment Officers, and Committee members regarding accreditation of Slovenian.
1.2. VUSEB: Documents 1976
Victorian Universities and Secondary Education Board: sample examination paper for Slovenian submitted by Aleksandra Ceferin, according to requirements.