Slovenian Community in Australia

Proposal: Slovenia House in Ljubljana/ Slovenska hiša

8 July 2007 The Slovenian government has established permanent dialogue with Slovenes around the world. In historic legislation in 2006 (Ur.I. RS st. 43/2006) the legal framework for cooperation with Slovenes abroad was enacted for the first time.  A special consulting body called the Council for Slovenes around the World – Svet za Slovence po svetu –  is chaired by the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. The Council consists of nineteen members, thirteen living outside of Slovenia. Representatives were nominated by the communities and duly elected. A meeting will be held each year in summer and more as needed.
In Australia two representatives Peter Mandelj and Florjan Auser have been appointed. Consultations with the Prime Minister Janez Janša and other ministers have been held and representatives have spoken in the Parliament.
Aleksandra Ceferin has prepared a paper, which was in parts read by Peter Mandelj to the assembled members at the inaugural session  of the Council on 3 July 2007 in Ljubljana. The paper presents the situation of the post-migrant generations of the descendants of Slovenian emigrants, questions the aims and substance of Slovenian emigrant publications and presents two main proposals:
1. a major Slovenian web site
2. establishment of Slovenia House in Ljubljana

Note: The paper was presented in Slovenian with an English version for publication.

Consulate of Australia in the Republic of Slovenia

Consulate of Australia in the Republic of Slovenia
Trg Republike 3/XII
S1-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: (+) 386 1 425 42 52
Fax: (+) 386 1 426 47 21

Mr Viktor Baraga, Honorary Consul

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia

Consulate General of The Republic of Slovenia
86 Parramatta Road,
Camperdown NSW 2050
Phone: (+) 61 2 9517 1591
Fax: (+) 61 2 9519 8889
Honorary Consul General
Mr. Alfred Brežnik

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Gold Coast Bocce Club Lipa Inc.
P O Box 7649
Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4217, Australia
Ph/Fax 07 5539 4833
President: John Jani Paul

SBS – Slovenian Radio and Television Programs In Australia


SBS Radio, Slovenian Program
P.O. Box 294,
South Melbourne VIC 3205,
Tel: 03 9949 2121 
Fax: 03 9949 2385


SBS Radio Sydney
Locked Bag 028
Crows Nest, NSW 1585
Tel: 02 9430 2828
Fax: 02 9438 1114

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Slovenian Association Melbourne Inc.
82 Ingrams Road, Research, VIC 3095. Australia
Ph 03 9437 1226

President: Frances Urbas-Johnson

Slovenian Catholic Mission of St. Cyril And Methodius

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

SS, Cyril and Methodius Slovenian Mission
Baraga House
19 A’ Beckett Street, Kew, VIC 3101, Australia
Phone +61 3 9853 7787
Fax +61 3 9853 6176
Mob 0412 555 840
Manager: Fr. Ciril Božič, OFM