
Okoljski center 19.00 18.06.09

15 June 2009  Delavnica o naročniškem kmetovanju (Community Supported Agriculture). Lecture and workshop led by Bojan Morfej Ažman, Friday 19.00 15 June, Okoljski Center, Trubarjeva 50, Ljubljana…

New Exhibition Metka Skrobar

1 May 2009 New Exhibition Metka Skrobar, "This Ancient Land" And New Figurative Works, At CMW Galleries, 149 Sussex Street, Sydney, 2000.

Newsletter Jan 2009 10th Anniversary

28 January This year signifies the 10th anniversary of the Thezaurus web site launched on 1 January 1999. At that time it consisted of two language studies projects “Slovenianlinx” and Internet publication, “Webzine Sloveniana”…

28. januar Leto 2009 zaznamuje 10. obletnico spletnega mesta Thezaurus, ki je bilo predstavljeno javnosti  1.januarja 1999. Tedaj je vsebovalo dva jezikovna projekta: “Slovenianlinx” in revijo “ Webzine Sloveniana”…

Božično voÅ¡čilo 2008

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji, Želimo vam vesel in praznični Božič. Naj vam novo leto 2009 prinese mir in zadovoljstvo. We wish you a joyful and festive Christmas. May the New Year 2009 bring peace and contentment...

LOTE Conference in Melbourne 2008

15 May 2008 LOTE Conference 2008 has been an exciting and invigorating event. The mood was due principally to the new government’ s expressed recognition of the importance of languages, the affirmative attitude towards language studies within the school curriculum…

Newsletter Jan 2008 Webzine

28 January Sloveniana Webzine is one of the focal educational and cultural projects of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. In June 1998  the webzine was initiated by Aleksandra Ceferin as a resource for the cultural component of the Slovenian language curriculum…

28. januar Spletna revija Sloveniana Webzine je eden osrednjih kulturno-šolsko-vzgojnih projektov Viktorjskega Inštituta za slovenistiko. V juniju 1998 si je Aleksandra Ceferin zamislila revijo kot vir za kulturno komponento slovenskega učnega načrta…