
7.7. Slovenian Literary Reader

Title: Slovenian Literary Reader/Slovensko slovstvo – Berilo
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984      ISBN 0 959 0177 0 4    

This is a collection of Slovenian literary texts covering all periods of Slovenian literary history, from its earliest beginnings in the oral tradition, to the post – World War II period.

7.6. SSML: Handbook 1984

Saturday School of Modern Languages Handbook, SSML, 1984
Relevant excerpts about the Saturday School of Modern Languages Advisory Council , Slovenian page, and the Foreword by the Principal G Abiuso.

10.3. ISSV: Documents 1998-2008

ISSV Archives – Poučevanje slovenščine/Teaching Slovenian language in Melbourne, Australia. Documents in English and Slovenian record the activities and projects of the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. in Australia and Slovenia. They include the beginning of Slovenian web site, sponsored by the Department of Education, Employment and Training of Victoria in 1998-2000.

7.8. SSML Slovenian Folk Songs

Title: Slovenian Folk Songs/ Slovenske narodne pesmi
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984      ISBN 0 9590177 1 2

A collection of folk songs for children, used in Slovenian classes in Australia, mainly in Saturday School of Modern Languages. 
Sung by Ileana Bratuž – Kocjan, Accompanied by Borut Lesjak, organized by Janez Bitenc and Drago Ceferin.

10.4. ISSV: Meetings 1998 – 2005

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria  meetings include the significant meetings called for special projects, such as 25 Anniversary, The Lost Generation Conference, VSL Meeting regarding the suspension of five VCE  languages.

10.10. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia 2003

Title: Slovenian Language in Australia. 25 years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools.Institute of Slovenian Studies of Victoria 1977 – 2002. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L, ISSV Inc, Melbourne, 2003    ISBN 0 9750453 0 X
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria. It chronicles the achievements in the field of language education and is a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.

8.2. VSL: Documents 1988-2004

Victorian School of Languages documents deal with VSL appointments, In-service sessions, notices to students and parents, selection criteria for instructors, VCE implementation.

10.11. ISSV: Slovenian Language in Australia. Program

Title: Slovenian Language in Australia, 25 Years of Slovenian in Victorian Schools. Anniversary Program 22 March 2003. Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L., ISSV Inc., Melbourne, 2003   
The book is a record of 25 years of educational work by the Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria in the state school system of Victoria, a chronicle of achievements in the field of language education and so a significant part of Slovenian migrant history in Australia.

8.3. VSL: Meetings 1988-2004

Victorian School of Languages undertook a series of curriculum and professional development sessions, including annual Curriculum Days, Professional Development for VSL Centre Managers, VSL Language Coordinators, Course writers, newly appointed VCE teachers, etc.