
7.2. SSML: Documents 1976-1987

Documents  include the requirements for the introduction of Slovenian as a teaching subject in a the state school system, lists of teachers and students, lists of supplementary readers, enrolment notices, syllabi, etc. of the Saturday School of Modern Languages/SSML.

9.2. STAV: Documents 1976-1998

Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria  documents deal with the establishment of the association, and its activities and interests during the period.

9.3. STAV: Meetings 1976-1997

Selected meetings have been archived, They illuminate a range of interests and activities undertaken by Slovenian Teachers Association of Victoria.

7.4. SSML: Coursework 1977-1985

Saturday School of Modern Languages  Coursework includes  class and assessment lists, samples of student report, and a sample of mid-year exam paper.

10.1. ISSV: Correspondence 1998-2002

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria / Viktorijski inštitut za slovenistiko – correspondence of this period deals with the Victorian Education Department, the LOTElinx Language Project, Five Slovenian Authors Tour, other projects of the institute, and communications on a range of issues, with the representatives of Slovenian government and institutions.

10.2. ISSV: Correspondence 2003 – 2005

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria documents refererring to the Department of Education LOTElinx,  Five Slovenian Authors Reading Tour,   and various other matters, such as Olympic Games in Sydney contribution, and a request for support for Slovenian language as a school subject.

7.7. Slovenian Literary Reader

Title: Slovenian Literary Reader/Slovensko slovstvo – Berilo
Author: Ceferin, Aleksandra L. (editor), SSML, Melbourne, 1984      ISBN 0 959 0177 0 4    

This is a collection of Slovenian literary texts covering all periods of Slovenian literary history, from its earliest beginnings in the oral tradition, to the post – World War II period.

7.6. SSML: Handbook 1984

Saturday School of Modern Languages Handbook, SSML, 1984
Relevant excerpts about the Saturday School of Modern Languages Advisory Council , Slovenian page, and the Foreword by the Principal G Abiuso.