Predstavitev/Presentation: Valvasoricon, e-knjiga, 10.00am 11 aprila 2013 v Slovenski etnografski muzej, Ljubljana.
Božično vošččilo 2012
Community language schools in Geelong and Melbourne
Community language schools in Geelong and Melbourne 20 Feb 2012
AGM on 18 May 2013
Annual General Meeting for ISSV is at 2.30 – 5.00pm Saturday 18 May 2013.
Happy New Year 2012 Apocalypse not…Neuropolis
Happy New Year 2012, from Neuropolis Institute, Ljubljana.
AGM Saturday 21 May 2011
Annual General Meeting of ISSV for 2011, 2.30 – 5.00pm Saturday 21 May 2011
Preminul je velik Slovenec. Dr. Jožko Šavli nas je nepričakovano zapustil v petek, 11. marca 2011.
Jožko Šavli IN MEMORIAM (english)
Jožko Šavli born 22 March 1943, in Tolmin, was a Slovenian author, freelance historian and professor of economics.
20th Anniversary Independence Day Address by Dr. Zvone Zigon
8 Dec 2010 Independence day of Slovenia, is celebrated on 26th December. Address by Dr. Zvone Žigon, Charge d"Affaires a.i. Embassy in Canberra, Republic of Slovenia. (in Slovenian)
Media Release: Minister of the Arts, Peter Batchelor
28 September 2010 Press Release from : Minister of the Arts, Mr. Peter Batchelor, his speech in acceptance of the Collection gift to the people of Victoria at the State Library of Victoria.