
Valvasoriana Collection Gift: Speech by Aleksandra Ceferin

Speech by Aleksandra Ceferin, on the occasion of the presentation and gifting of the Iconotheca Valvasoriana Collection to the State Library of Victoria, and the launch of the website and the digital presentation J.W Valvasor, on 27th September 2010 in Melbourne.

Media Factsheet: Important gift to the state of Victoria

Media Factsheet: Important gift to the state of Victoria. State Library of Victoria. 20 September 2010

Skiing in the 17th century

Janez Vajkard Valvasor, the author of the singular history of Slovenia The Glory of the Duchy of Crain offers one of the earliest descriptions of skiing in Europe. (published in 1689).

News: Iconotheca Valvasoriana

Press Release: 9 August 2010
On 27 September 2010, the Minister for Slovenes Abroad Dr. Boštjan Žeks, is to present to the State Library of Victoria a special facsimile collection of master European graphic art prints from 15th to 17th centuries, collected by the Austrian-Slovenian polymath Baron Johann Weichard von Valvasor during his travels between 1659 to 1672 in Europe. 

Toman garden in Spring

16 April 2010 The full beauty of the hillside Toman garden is revealed in Spring, its construction of pathways, stairways, and terraces …

Božično voščilo 2010

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2011 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo

Božično voÅ¡čilo 2009

Dear friends / Dragi prijatelji,  We wish you joyful Christmas holidays. May the New Year 2010 bring peace and contentment.
Želimo vam vesele božične praznike. Naj vam novo leto 2010 prinese mir, in zadovoljstvo